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Stop Caring What People Think

It really doesn’t matter anyways.

A lot of my life has been dictated by the worry of what others think of me. It’s an issue that impacts how I live my life. Sadly, many other people can relate. The human mind is not a logical mind but an emotional mind so in order to stop giving an f, well, it takes time. I’m here to tell you that you are not alone in caring too much or thinking you aren’t good enough. I’m also here to tell you that you are good enough. Your brain can be your own worst enemy, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Humans started caring about what people think because it was a survival instinct. In order to survive, staying in a group was crucial. If someone was left by themselves, they had to fend for themselves making survival very hard. They would work together as a group to hunt food, avoid deadly animals, problem solve, etc. Before life was more comfortable, staying with people was life or death. They needed people to like them so they could stay with their group. Sadly, we never grew out of this instinct but being social creatures is still very much a good thing. Caring about what others think can help some people stay moral. It can also help some people listen to constructive criticism which can help you become a better person.

Although it’s hard, you shouldn’t care about what people you aren’t close to think. They don’t know you for who you truly are. People that you are close with, that have your best intentions in mind, are people worth caring what they think. If they have your best intentions in mind they aren’t gonna care when you have those small mess-ups or embracing moments. People who truly care about you will want what’s best for you.

Caring what people think can cause some people to be needy and insecure which drives people away or brings the wrong people in, which in turn, makes you even more insecure. When people don’t want to be around you or the wrong people are in your life, it can make you feel worse and make it seem like you aren't good enough.

Way too often, people take what other’s think as a fact. I am here to tell you that what other people think about you is not a fact. People that you aren’t close with don’t know you for who you truly are. If people don’t like you they don’t deserve to be in your life. If they shouldn’t be in your life, why should you care what they think?

Maybe for a second, someone might judge you, but after that, they’re gonna go back to worrying about their problems. Just like you, they are worried about what others think. So many things run through someone’s head, they aren’t dwelling on you.

Sometimes people might think that focusing on yourself can be selfish but in the end, it will help everyone. Spend time with yourself and take care of yourself. Do what you need, Journal, eat healthy, exercise, go to therapy if you need it, talk to your loved ones. Do anything that will help you become confident and not give an f. Remember that you can’t fill someone else's cup unless yours is already filled so make sure you fill your cup.

There are so many people on this planet and we don’t know a lot about them. In my opinion that is freeing because so many people don’t think badly about you and many of those people would like you, you just don’t know them yet. It also brings to light that everyone has problems. Many times it seems like you are the only one going through problems but everyone has their trials. As sad as that is, this world is also filled with joy and good experiences. There can also be beauty in your difficulties, you never know if the outcome is going to be amazing and you could very well learn important lessons from them if you open your mind to it. Many of the problems I had in the past don’t matter now, I used to dwell on them so much but now I’ve just come out stronger.

Life is too short to not do what you want. It’s too short to not have fun because you think people are going to judge you. In the end, you’ll regret if you didn’t do what you wanted more than you’ll regret people judging you.

When it comes down to it, learn to be confident. It might take some time but you’ll get there, I believe in you. Care what your loved ones with good intentions think and take their advice. Fill your cup and then fill other peoples cups (focus on yourself then focus on helping other people). Finally, brush off the little stupid things that happen in life, they don’t matter as much as they seem.

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