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I tried these twelve healthy habits for a week.

As someone who struggles with self-care constantly, I’ll do these twelve healthy habits for a week. I’m coming out of a depressive episode and need to try to get better. Will this be easy for me? No. Will this make me healthier? Hopefully. Will this make me happier? That’s the point.

I’m pretty sure those last two go hand-in-hand, but that’s alright, I have everything I need.

Everything below this point is my journal entries and things I’ve noticed that I’ve had time to write about in my free time.

To be honest, I didn’t get eight hours of sleep last night. There was no way I’d get eight hours after staying up for three nights straight and sleeping for twelve hours straight just to have a somewhat normal day. I got three hours, but that’s a start.

I ate bacon and eggs and toast today, which is a lot for me, so I’m super proud of myself! I finished it all and didn’t eat it too fast like how I usually do. I also drank a lot of water before I drank tea.

Exercise is hard. Finding where to start is hard, too. I just looked up an exercise for beginners on YouTube and did one of the ten-minute ones because I’m very out of shape and the fact that I could barely complete that is proof, I guess!

Journaling and planning are done in the same book for me. It’s easy and I read nearly every day, anyway. I’m currently reading the Sound of the Stars by Alechia Dow.

As I’m writing this, I realized that I completely forgot to make my bed. Whoops.

I made my bed today! I got five hours of sleep, which is definitely an upgrade, and I ate another big breakfast. I brushed my teeth and did yoga this morning. I have no idea how to do yoga but apparently, I’m not very flexible.

I made sure to eat an apple and some grapes today. For dinner, I made cheesy broccoli because broccoli is good but everything is better with cheese in my opinion!

Still reading Sound of the Stars and I’m enjoying it a lot.

Today was a bit harder. I got eight hours of sleep, but I couldn’t eat breakfast. I made breakfast, but I ended up putting it in the fridge because I couldn’t handle eating that much. I ate an apple, though.

I made my bed and did ten minutes of yoga. I’ve been refilling this cup so many times.

Today, I noticed my skin was a little clearer. It was satisfying to know that, at least. I ate another apple and some mostly vegetables for dinner.

I’m not sure what was wrong yesterday, but hey! I’m doing great today! I got eight hours of sleep and ate three pieces of bacon, an egg, and an apple. I drank a bunch of water, too. I never realized how much water I needed to drink until I noticed that my throat isn’t supposed to hurt. My body is thanking me now, but the water bills are certainly not. All jokes aside, I think these healthy habits are seriously working!

I’m not a huge sci-fi fan, but this book is making me love it! I don’t like reviewing books since I think it should be completely up to the reader, but I might do a book review on this one. I really like it!

Anyway, my teeth are whiter and my face is clearer. Did you guys know that you can use hydrogen peroxide as a gargle? I think it’s really helping my teeth whiten. I’m not an expert, though, so don’t use it a lot. I used it twice in a month and it worked pretty well!

Eight hours of sleep? Check! Awesome breakfast cooked by yours truly? Check! Grueling exercise that I’m still sore and shaky from? Double check. I hate exercise, but I’m pretty sure it’s helping my posture. Huh.

If you’ve read this far, I guess I’ll ask you to follow me, since I’m determined to post more about self-care and self-improvement topics. It’s up to you, though!

This week was insane, but it’s Friday and I can finally relax! I’ll get to writing now, I guess.

I’m seriously enjoying these healthy habits and I think I’ll try to do them every day.

I did it! And I think I’m going to continue to do these. When I look in the mirror now, my face is visibly brighter. That could be because just last week, I was struggling to even stand in the shower. Or stand anywhere, really.

Nonetheless, this is a great “challenge” to do if you want to work on yourself a bit!

These habits definitely helped a lot. You should go watch Rebecca Jay’s video on YouTube, where she goes more in-depth about these habits.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

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