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Mastering API Communication in Spring Boot

API requests are an essential part of modern web development. Whether you’re building a web or mobile app, you’ll likely need to interact with external APIs to retrieve or send data. In this article, we’ll discuss how to make API requests in Spring Boot, a popular Java-based web framework.


RestTemplate is a built-in class in Spring Boot that makes sending HTTP requests and receiving responses easily. Here’s how you can use RestTemplate to make API requests:

Step 1: Add the RestTemplate Dependency

Before we can use RestTemplate, we need to add the following dependency to our project’s pom.xml file:

Step 2: Create a RestTemplate Instance

Next, we create a RestTemplate instance:

Step 3: Send a GET Request

We can now use the RestTemplate instance to send a GET request to an API endpoint:

Step 4: Send a POST Request

We can also use RestTemplate to send a POST request with a request body:


WebClient is a newer, reactive client that is also built into Spring Boot. Here’s how you can use WebClient to make API requests:

Step 1: Add the WebClient Dependency

Before we can use WebClient, we need to add the following dependency to our project’s pom.xml file:

Step 2: Create a WebClient Instance

Next, we create a WebClient instance:

Step 3: Send a GET Request

We can now use the WebClient instance to send a GET request to an API endpoint:

Step 4: Send a POST Request

We can also use WebClient to send a POST request with a request body:


HttpClient is a built-in library in Spring Boot that allows you to send HTTP requests and receive responses. HttpClient provides a more modern and flexible approach than RestTemplate.

Using HttpClient

HttpClient is an HTTP client library that was introduced in Java 11. Here’s how you can use HttpClient to make API requests:

Step 1: Create an HttpClient Instance

To use HttpClient, you need to create an HttpClient instance:

Step 2: Send a GET Request

You can use HttpClient to send a GET request to an API endpoint:

Step 3: Send a POST Request

You can also use HttpClient to send a POST request with a request body:

Conclusion :

This article discussed how to make API requests using HttpClient,RestTemplate and WebClient in Spring Boot. HttpClient provides a more modern and flexible approach than RestTemplate and is a great choice for building robust and scalable APIs.

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